The new Ancient and Modern has a delightful hymn "Fling wide the gates" which is sung to the rousing tune of "Lift high the Cross". It is rather good for a Candlemass procession as the chorus is repeated, which makes life easier when trying to walk around with a candle. Anyway the hymn didn't have enough verses for a building as large as ours, so I wrote a few more, and then I realised we were still 2 verses short so wrote 2 more again! Feel free to use them if they are useful. The chorus and verses from psalm 24 (5-8 in this version) are by the late Michael Perry. You will need the appropriate licenses or permissions to use Michael's work though.
Chorus: Fling wide the gates, unbar the ancient doors;
salute your king in his triumphant cause!
1.Come see the Virgin bearing Christ the King,
The Lord in his temple, light and life to bring. Chorus
2. Anna and Sim-eon, prophecy and praise,
Rejoice in the saviour, God within their gaze. Chorus
3. This child will be a sign for all the world,
The thoughts and the hearts of all will be revealed. Chorus
4. Growing in strength, in wisdom and in grace,
The pilgrims and prophets see their Maker’s face. Chorus
5. Now all the world belongs to Christ our Lord:
let all creation greet the living Word! Chorus
6. Who has the right to worship him today?
All those who gladly serve him and obey. Chorus
7. He comes to save all those who trust his name,
and will declare them free from guilt and shame. Chorus
8. Who is the victor glorious from the fight?
He is our king, our life, our Lord, our light! Chorus
9. Light for all nations, glory is revealed,
A sign for all people, ancient wounds are healed. Chorus
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