Friday, July 6, 2018

A litany of thanksgiving for the NHS

Almighty God, creator of the universe and author of creation, you have blessed and enriched our lives with healing and compassion. For all this and for the founding of the NHS, we give our heartfelt thanks and praise.
All We give you thanks, O God.
For the wonder and the joy of healthcare for all, and for all
the achievements and discoveries of the past seventy years.
All We give you thanks, O God.
For doctors and for dentists, for nurses and for midwives,
for volunteers, therapists and fundraisers:
All We give you thanks, O God.

For psychiatrists and paramedics, for scientists and for
drivers, for counsellors and listeners:
All We give you thanks, O God.
For those who answer the phone, for anaesthetists and
radiologists, for pharmacists and physios:
All We give you thanks, O God.
For those who clean, maintain and fix, for porters and
electricians, for those who cook and those who eat:
All We give you thanks, O God.

For those who teach and those who train, for those who study or step into the unknown, for those involved in developing new therapies and treatments:
All We give you thanks, O God.
For chaplains and for advocates, for those who visit others and for those who help unseen, for all who offer comfort and compassion:
All We give you thanks, O God.
For technicians and publicists, for managers and helpers, for those who plan and those who guide; for those with wisdom and with insight:
All We give you thanks, O God.

For our past and for our future, for the ways that we are present for the needy. For our our calling as those who care for others:
All We ask your help O God.
For the sick and those in trouble, for the injured and the
dying, for the hungry and the suffering:
All We ask your help O God.

For the stressed and those in poverty, for those struggling with addiction, for those who work long hours and for their families:
All We ask your help O God.
For those who suffer in silence. For the lonely and forgotten. For the grieving and the traumatised. For those known to you alone:
All We ask your help O God.

May Jesus Christ the healer who called all to love and to
compassion, inspire us to serve others in everything we do.

All Amen.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A prayer for those taking exams this Summer

A prayer for those taking exams this Summer. Please feel free to use if you wish

Eternal and loving God:
In you are hidden all
treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
We pray for those who are 
sitting exams this summer,
especially those whose future journey
depends on their grades.
Bring your peace that 
calms anxious hearts and minds;
bring your clarity of thought that
guides the pens of poets and writers;
and most of all bring your love and reassurance,
your blessing, and your guidance
that each of us is uniquely called, 
uniquely gifted, and precious in your sight
whatever grades we get.
Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.  

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Palm Sunday Procession Hymn

Writing this hymn has been on my wishlist for a while. There aren't enough processional hymns that everyone knows, that are easy to sing, that tell the Palm Sunday story and which have an easy-to-remember chorus. Please feel free to use, photocopy, tweak, etc etc. 

So here we are....
The tune is Cwm Rhondda (Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer). 

By the road the Hebrew children
Waving branches in their hands
Come and greet the great Messiah,
Singing praise at God’s command.
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

This Messiah rides a donkey,
Not a chariot or a horse.
Jesus is a humble leader
“Prince of Peace”, not “Czar of War”
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King; 
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Come and greet the New Messiah!
Come and greet the one who saves!
See the man who cured the lepers
And raised Laz’rus from the grave!
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Wave your palms and wave your olives,
Wave your branches, shout and sing. 
Spread your cloaks upon the roadway
like a carpet for a king. 
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King; 
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Blessed is the coming kingdom
Blessed is the coming King
He who enters in the Lord’s name
Our salvation he will bring. 
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Prophets had foretold his coming, 
Riding on a donkey’s foal, 
Battle-bows will soon be broken, 
Love and peace will be his goal. 
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Pharisees will hate this tumult
And the praises of the crowd.
Yet if children cease their singing 
then the rocks will cry aloud. 
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King; 
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Come and join this joyful movement!
Bring a royal diadem!
Why do you not want to join us
Leaders of Jerusalem?
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King; 
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Jesus weeps upon the city,
“I would hold you in my arms
like a mother holds her children,
Keep you safe from war and harm”
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Overturn the swindlers tables
Make my house a house of prayer
For the people of all nations
Every soul that loves and cares.
Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, 
sing Hosanna to the King;
sing Hosanna to the King of Kings. 

Sue Wallace, 2018.