On Sunday morning I was asked to do the interecessions on Sunday morning as we celebrated the naming of Jesus (the Circumcision). Here is a generalised version of the intercessions I wrote. Feel free to use them in worship and amend as you wish. You may notice from reading my Evensong litany that, once again, I was inspired by a number of titles of Christ, but used fewer titles in the morning and tried to find ones which fitted the situations which were most in need of our prayers.
Jesus name above all names,
we pray for all who struggle with their call and their identity,
and all who have been cruelly and unkindly named or labelled;
we ask that the cruelty of racist or unkind labels would end
and pray for all who have been scarred by the spiteful words of others.
May your Holy Spirit whisper gentle words of love and guidance
into the ears of the wounded,
and bring remorse and a change of heart
to those tempted to taunt others.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
guide the rulers of the earth.
Instil compassion and love within their hearts
until the angels song of peace on earth and goodwill to all
becomes a concrete reality.
We particular bring before you those in power in N, N and N (current conflict situations)
and all suffering the wounds of war.
We also bring before you people and families in conflict,
and all who have struggled with stress and debt, hunger and cold
throughout this Christmas and New Year season.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Emmanuel, God with us,
we ask you to have compassion on all who feel alone today.
Surround them with the embrace of your love,
and call people to act as your hands, your eyes and your ears
to listen and bring your comfort
to the lonely and those in pain.
Lord in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Rock of Ages and Cornerstone,
bring your strength and healing power
to all whose foundations are crumbling this day,
particularly those in chronic pain
and all who need your healing-help.
We particularly ask for that help for N, N and N (sick list)
Morning star, Dayspring and Light Everlasting,
shine upon all who sit in darkness and the shadow of death today.
Come alongside those who are dying
and those who sit and wait beside them
and bring glimpses of your coming Kingdom to all who mourn.
We particularly remember before you N and N (recent famous deaths)
and those for whom those deaths have triggered unresolved grief
and we ask you to welcome into your everlasting kingdom
those we have loved and lost including N and N (RIP list),
And N and N whose anniversaries occur at around this time.
Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.
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