Tuesday, February 13, 2024

30 Anniversary Service (Commemorating 30 years since women have been ordained as priests in the Church of England)

Here in Truro we had a rather lovely celebration service last Thursday, remembering 30 years of women priests in the Church of England. We also had a fabulous afternoon tea beforehand with the most wonderful cakes. You can see the service online here and listing to the wonderful music of our cathedral choir, with our girl choristers on the top line, and some beautiful pieces written by women composers. 


But there were two things that the planning group were keen to mark. 

The first thing we wanted to mark was the fact that many women have suffered greatly. It hasn't always been easy. Women have been encouraged to take on unpaid roles, have been criticised for their voices, their dress-sense, and even hounded out of jobs through bullying and bad-behaviour. 

And so I wrote a liturgy of lament, accompanied by Kyrie's from the choir,  but also including an element of release and renewal. Feel free to use this or adapt it as necessary. 

The Liturgy of Lament

Please sit or kneel

We bring before God all the times when ministering has been painful, all those broken and bruised, and cry for God’s mercy, forgiveness, and healing:

Voice 1: We cry out to God for those women whose voices have been silenced; those who have been publicly rejected or secretly undermined; those who have been encouraged to retire or to take unpaid roles.

Kyrie Eleison,

Lord have mercy.

Voice 2: We cry out to God for those women who have been bullied or badly-advised, those whose dual vocation as mother and priest has not been affirmed, those who have suffered from harassment or attacks.

Christe Eleison,

Christ have mercy.

Voice 3: We cry out to God for those women who worship in places or denominations where they still cannot be ordained; and we pray for all in those churches working for those vocations to be fulfilled.

Kyrie Eleison,

Lord have mercy.

The choir responds:

Kyrie Eleison, (Lord have mercy) Christe Eleison, (Christ have mercy) Kyrie Eleison. (Lord have mercy)

The bishop declares:

Through the cross of Christ and through faith in his mercy
may God set you free. 
Know that you are liberated by forgiveness. Be released to walk into the future freed from everything that restricts you.

Freed from everything that holds you back.

The congregation are sprinkled with holy water by the bishop and the archdeacon. 

Be with us, Holy Spirit;

nothing can separate us from your love.

 Be with us as of old,

fill us with your power,

direct all our thoughts to your goodness. 

Be present, Holy Spirit;

bring faith and healing and peace.

The second  thing we wanted to do was celebrate *all* the ministries that women have been involved in, including those we don't normally mention. People often talk about preachers, missionaries and youth workers. But what about accountants and archeologists who play an important part of maintaining and enabling our buildings to flourish? So I wrote a litany that did this. Again, please feel free to use it in your own situation and adapt as necessary. 

The Prayers

A litany of thanksgiving

Almighty God, Creator of the Universe and Author of Creation, you have blessed and enriched our lives with the ministry of women and men. For all this and for thirty years of women’s priestly ministry in England, we give our heartfelt thanks and praise.

We give you thanks, O God.

For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, who sent us all into the nations
to spread his words of love:
We give you thanks, O God.
For the wonder and the joy of an education for us all, and for all the achievements and blessings of the last thirty years.

We give you thanks, O God.

For teachers and for mothers, for missionaries and church-wardens:

We give you thanks, O God.

For readers and lay ministers, for children’s and youth workers:

We give you thanks, O God.

For lecturers and caterers, for academics and for scholars:

We give you thanks, O God.

For administrators and for counsellors, for cleaners and for preachers:

We give you thanks, O God.

For artists and musicians, for bellringers and embroiderers

We give you thanks, O God.

For archeologists and architects, for executives and accountants

We give you thanks, O God.

For chaplains and for advocates, for technicians and for publicists

We give you thanks, O God.

For our past and for our future, for the ways that we are present for the needy. For our calling as those who love and serve others:
We ask your help O God.
For the sick and those in trouble, for the injured and the 
dying, for the hungry and the suffering:

We ask your help O God.

For the stressed and those in poverty, for those struggling with addiction, for those who work long hours and their families and friends:
We ask your help O God.
For those searching for their role or on the journey of vocation,

And those searching for a new job or role:

We ask your help O God.

For those who suffer in silence. For the lonely and forgotten. For the grieving and the traumatised. For those known to you alone:
We ask your help O God.
May Jesus Christ our great High Priest hear our prayers and lead us all into his Kingdom where our joy will know no end. Amen.

Silence is kept:

Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name;

through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

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